AIM Flash Interviews: Lane Soelberg, Head of Agency & Platform Partnerships at Experian

During our Audiences In Motion event in NYC earlier this year, we’re highlighting the importance of data quality for better consumer understanding in reaching the right person and the right mobile moment

Audiences In Motion
Audiences In Motion


AIM NYC 2018

With our Audiences In Motion thought leadership platform, we are bringing together the brightest minds in programmatic advertising and adtech to help advertisers and brands resolve challenges and gain insights in order to lead them through the development of consumers’ identity understanding for better campaign performance and advertising experience.

Reaching the right person at the right time and at the right moment is crucial for personalized marketing but it requires having enough information about a consumer’s identity. We interviewed Lane Soelberg, who is leading the Agency & Platform Partnerships team at Experian.

“We like sources that come from verified, non-commercial kind of sources so for example, a lot of our automotive data comes from all of the 50-state DMVs reported directly into Experian. So it’s very hard for someone to self-report their age as a different one and it’s coming through a verified entity verifying that data.” — says Lane Soelberg, Head of Agency Partnerships at Experian

In this video, Lane explains how marketers can rely on a mixture of different data types and sources such as verified deterministic data combined with first-party data for delivering optimal campaign results.

You can watch the whole interview with Lane Soelberg in the video below.



Audiences In Motion is adsquare's thought leadership platform connecting industry experts to shape the future of digital marketing through data excellence